Your Child’s Tooth Decay: Questions You Really Want Answered

There may be some tooth decay questions you would really love to bring up, when you come in for your child’s dental visits with our Dallas, TX team! However, that doesn’t always mean that you have done so! You may feel a little silly about some of your questions (as though you should already know the answers), embarrassed that a cavity has managed to form, etc. Of course, we empathize but also remind you that caring for your smile and now, the smile of your child, is an ever-evolving experience. Fortunately, the more you learn, the easier and more successful that journey becomes! So, always ask about what’s on your mind. For now, let’s cover frequent areas of uncertainty.

Can’t We Just Heal The Decay?

You cannot heal tooth decay that has already caused damage. In some cases, such as during a dental checkup, we may find an area that is becoming somewhat weak and we can make suggestions to help you better help your child care for his or her teeth. As a result, a weakening area may not give way to the formation of a cavity. However, again, once tissue is already damaged, we cannot reverse that damage, only repair it with restorative care!

Won’t A Filling Be Damaging?

Nope. We understand that you may worry about dental fillings for tooth decay because it involves the removal of additional dental tissue. With that said, remember that untreated tooth decay will eventually claim the majority of that tooth’s tissue or may lead to a serious infection (which can require an extraction). Fortunately, the composite fillings we provide require the very conservative removal of a small amount of tissue, so this is actually going to result in the least amount of tissue loss, as we stop the disease and any additional damage.

Are We Doing Something Really Wrong?

Probably not! If you’re following through with brushing and flossing and seeing us, then you’ve got the right idea. It’s possible that your child is having trouble cleansing one particular area. Your child may occasionally skip a brushing or flossing session. Or, just like with adults, bacteria may sneak into a groove of one of your child’s teeth, where it leads to tooth decay. Remember: Stay the course with prevention, ask for help, and you’re doing a fantastic job.

What More Can I Do To Prevent Decay?

Make sure you ask us your questions, keep up with prevention, and say yes to dental sealants, as well as fluoride, for optimal tooth decay protection.

Feel Confident About Preventing Decay

Get in touch with our team if you have any questions or concerns about tooth decay. Remember that twice-annual dental checkups with us will give you ample time to learn all about smile care for effective results! Schedule a visit with your Dallas, TX children’s dentist, Dr. Marr at Pediatric Dental Care at Casa Linda by calling 214-321-4880. We proudly welcome patients from Dallas, TX, and all surrounding communities, including Casa Linda and more.

filed under: Cavities/Tooth Decay