Your Child’s Tooth Decay: Questions You Really Want Answered

There may be some tooth decay questions you would really love to bring up, when you come in for your child’s dental visits with our Dallas, TX team! However, that doesn’t always mean that you have done so! You may feel a little silly about some of your questions (as though you should already know the answers), embarrassed that a cavity has managed to form, etc. Of course, we empathize but also remind you that caring for your smile and now, the smile of your child, is an ever-evolving experience. Fortunately, the more you learn, the easier and more successful that journey becomes! So, always ask about what’s on your mind. For now, let’s cover frequent areas of uncertainty.


Event: Magic And Comedy With Mike Williams 

When you start sorting through the types of entertainment that put a huge smile on your face, get some belly laughs, and do the same for your kids, what do you come up with? If your answer included comedy and magic, then boy are you in for a family-fun-time treat! The upcoming Magic and Comedy with Mike Williams event is headed our way in our Dallas, TX community! If you haven’t heard of this yet, now is the time to learn more and to get your tickets quick!
