A Sweet Treat That Prevents Cavities: Could It Be True?

Of course, you have heard about ways to satisfy you child’s sweet tooth (and your own) without causing any damage. However, you may not know about how to indulge in a sweet treat and do so while actually preventing tooth decay just yet! Sound too good to be true? We are happy to report that a lollipop (or lozenge) treat called Loloz can actually do just that. Hoping for a little more information because you’re not exactly convinced at the moment? No problem. Our Dallas, TX team has some introductory answers to your questions (and will be more than happy to discuss this treat more during your child’s next dental visit).


Turtle Creek Fine Arts Festival

Do you love heading out to art festivals with your family, where you and your kiddos get to soak up the exceptional artwork crafted by the community, everyone gets to indulge in some not-always-so-healthy but delicious food, and it’s a lovely day spent outdoors? Don’t miss out on the upcoming Turtle Creek Fine Arts Festival that’s featuring over 100 artists and more!
