Keeping Your Child Comfortable During A Tooth Extraction

Dallas, TX, dentist offers tooth extractions

Finding out your little one may need one of their pearly whites removed can be intimidating for you as a parent and for your child. This is often a last case scenario used to protect their smile from overcrowding, injuries, or potential infections. The team at Pediatric Dental Care at Casa Linda in Dallas, Texas, is here today to explain what to expect during this process.

Removing A Tooth Could Protect Their Smile From Serious Harm

When your child experiences harm to one of their pearly whites, their dentist will do their very best to recover the tooth and prevent further damage. In some cases, a simple filling may be able to treat a cavity that has been causing discomfort and the area can be restored. Dental crowns may also be used to recover their dental structure if it has been cracked or broken.

If there is more significant damage to the area, their dentist may suggest removing the dental structure to protect the rest of their smile. This may be a helpful option if the area has had a failed restoration, is infected, or is causing overcrowding in an area of the mouth. Extraction may also be a part of their orthodontic treatment plan. If there is not enough room to align their pearly whites, they may need to have a dental structure removed to create more space in their oral cavity.

Checkups Can Prevent Cavities, Infections, And More

If your child’s smile is overcrowded, there may be very few things to help prevent the need for extraction. However, you can reduce the chances of cavities or infections occurring and requiring removal by practicing a good oral hygiene routine and seeing your dentist regularly. At home, supervise your child as they brush and floss to ensure that each area is thoroughly cleaned, and they haven’t missed a spot. They may need extra assistance as they develop their fine motor skills and learn how to properly take care of their smiles.

Your whole family should come in for a checkup at least twice a year, or more often if instructed by a dentist. During these appointments, your child will get their teeth cleaned, flossed, and polished to help remove and prevent plaque buildup. An examination will be done to take a closer look at their oral cavity and spot any potential problems early. Common problems like cavities can be found early and treated with a filling to avoid more significant issues in the future.

Our Team Can Help Guide You Through Tooth-Related Emergencies

Removing one of their pearly whites may be a part of an emergency care plan. Injuries to your smile such as a cracked, fractured, or dislodged tooth may not be able to be restored through means of a filling or crown. Emergencies can often set in when you least expect them, and it’s important to know how to handle these situations. If your little one has experienced this type of injury or has a persistent toothache, call your dentist right away to come in for an urgent appointment. The team will thoroughly examine their oral cavity and take a look at the injury. Extracting a tooth is often the last case scenario, so the team will do their best to restore the area whenever possible. If this is not a good option, an emergency extraction can be done to relieve discomfort and prevent the area from becoming more damaged or infected.

Dental Sedation Keeps Them At Ease Throughout The Procedure

We understand that these types of more invasive procedures can be intimidating for you and your child. Our team will do their best to help keep you comfortable throughout the treatment with our caring approach and sedation options. There are several of these calming measures available to help your kid feel relaxed throughout the entire procedure. The type and amount used will depend on your child’s health history and the treatment that will be performed.

Nitrous oxide is a fairly common method that can be used for treatments like fillings, root canals, and removals. The effects should last long enough to keep you comfortable but will wear off shortly after the procedure. Oral sedation is another option that is administered as a pill to take before the procedure. This may be recommended for patients with dental anxiety or for longer treatments. Lastly, IV sedation is a deep state of relaxation that can help patients with special needs and anxiety.

Schedule An Appointment With Our Team!

Our team is here to keep your child’s smile safe. Call PDC Kids in Dallas, TX, today at (214) 321-4880 to learn more about your treatment options or schedule a visit.

filed under: Restorations for Kids