What Crown Will Your Child Need?

dallas kids crowns

When your child has a damaged tooth or complains about discomfort, you should bring him or her in for a visit. If we find an issue that is too severe for a filling, we may need to place a dental crown. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about choosing a crown for your child’s smile.

When Kids Need Crowns

When should a little smile receive a dental crown? This full restoration covers the entirety of the tooth structure, which enables us to address concerns too severe to be treated with a filling or dental bonding procedure. For example, we can take on more advanced cases of tooth decay. If the tooth is infected, this could complete a pulpotomy procedure to stop pain and prevent tooth loss. Our team could also place them to improve bite balance and chewing function too. When children have a dental emergency, such as a cracked or chipped tooth, then we could use a restoration to repair it. Remember, if a dental emergency occurs, even outside of normal business hours, please let us know right away.

Stainless Steel vs. NuSmile Zirconia

What will they be made of? The side and rear teeth typically ensure greater bite forces and pressures, so we may opt for a strong material like stainless steel, which is tough and durable, but also safe for little smiles. For the more visible front facing teeth, we could also suggest NuSmile zirconia, which are metal-free and designed to offer a more natural appearance. Our team will take a number of factors into account when we choose the material for your child’s crown. We want results that are dependable and long-lasting, protecting little smiles for years to come.

Placing Dental Restorations

If your child needs a restoration, how do we place one? To begin, we want to ensure the procedure is a comfortable one, so our team will administer a local anesthetic and could also discuss sedation to ensure your little one is relaxed and comfortable. Next, we will remove structure from the tooth to make room for the new restoration. Once we do, we can then attach it with a powerful bonding agent. Once in place, the restoration can stay there for years to come to help protect the smile from complications. If you have any questions about how we restore little smiles with a custom-made crown, or if you think your child may need one, then contact our team today to get started.

Contact Our Team Today for Restorative Dental Care

Our team wants to help return little smiles to optimal health, function, and beauty again. Contact Pediatric Dental Care at Casa Linda by calling (214) 321-4880 and speak to our team about our dental restorations.


filed under: Restorations for Kids