How We Restore Your Child’s Tooth

dallas tx restorations for kidsWhen your little one complains about a toothache, or if a tooth becomes chipped, then a restoration is necessary to not only improve oral health, but to maintain the appearance of your child’s tooth too. Our team can offer safe and gentle restoration, such as fillings and even crowns. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about restoring little smiles!

When Kids Need Restorative Dentistry

As we mentioned above, our team recommends restorative dentistry for kids when they have teeth that have been cracked or chipped, as lack of treatment leaves the teeth vulnerable to tooth decay and infection. Likewise, when a tooth develops tooth decay or dental infection, restorative dentistry can help repair the issue and offer a lifelike appearance in many cases as well. Don’t ignore complaints about a toothache or even minor injuries, as this could lead to major discomfort.

Examining the Smile

To get started, our team will take a close look at your child’s smile with digital x-rays and intraoral cameras. This will help us assess the cause and extent of your child’s restorative concerns, so we can provide treatment with precision and accuracy. Every smile is unique, and your little ones enjoy optimal oral health and stronger smiles.

Anesthesia and Sedation

The comfort of your children is very important, as we want them to enjoy a positivize experience at the office, and to even look forward to their next visit. With a local anesthesia, we can numb the area being treated to keep your child comfortable. If your little one is undergoing a more extensive treatment or has dental anxiety or special needs that make undergoing treatment a difficult process, we could also offer dental sedation. Our team could offer options like nitrous oxide, oral sedation, or IV sedation, so you enter a deep state of calm and relaxation, with little to no memory of the procedure. The option we choose will be based on a number of factors, like age, weight, medical history, and more.

Dental Fillings

When children have a cavity, we can offer relief with a dental filling in only one visit. Instead of metal, we use a composite resin that is safe for all ages and offers a more lifelike appearance. Treatment involves our team numbing the tooth and then removing decay from the tooth. Next, we will clean the tooth thoroughly and apply a composite resin to the tooth in several layers. We will sculpt and mold the tooth as the composite resin cures beneath a tooth. Our team then polishes the tooth for a brighter appearance. We could also employ the same material to address minor damage to the tooth, all in one visit.


Dental crowns are placed onto the teeth and cover the entire physical portion of the tooth. We can employ these for minor or major dental damage, or to address cavities too severe for a dental filling. We could use stainless steel for the side and rear teeth, which must endure greater bite forces and pressures. For the front facing teeth, we could offer more lifelike NuSmile zirconia, which is also very durable and strong. We numb the tooth being treated and then remove structure to make room for the crown, which we attach with a powerful bonding agent. This can help safeguard little smiles from infection and premature tooth loss!


What if you have an infected tooth? Instead of a traditional root canal treatment, our team can offer a comfortable alternative that is less involved. With a pulpotomy, our team will numb the tooth and then open it to remove portions of the tissues from within. We then add a unique restorative material to the inside of the tooth. For some, this completes the procedure. For others, we may need to cap the tooth with a dental crown.

If you have any questions about how we help little smiles stay strong and healthy with a restorative dental treatment, or if your child has an aching or damaged tooth, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you smile with confidence and enjoy good oral health for years to come.

Schedule a Visit for Restorative Dental Care

If you have questions about how we repair little smiles with our custom dental restorations, or if you would like to schedule an appointment with our team, call your Dallas, TX pediatric dentist, Dr. Marr, at (214) 321-4880. With restorative dentistry, we can help save your child’s smile.


filed under: Restorations for Kids