A Look At Common Dental Emergency Situations

dallas dental emergency for kids

When your child sustains an injury playing sports or falling down, this could crack, chip, or even knock out a tooth. Treatment is crucial for avoiding cavities and infection. But our team has a few tips for easing discomfort before you see your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist for emergency dental treatment!

Aching and Bleeding Teeth

When a tooth suddenly hurts or bleeds following an injury, then you can help. Offer a bit of cloth or gauze for your child to gently bite down on to stem the bleeding. An over-the-counter pain reliever can also be taken to ease discomfort until we can see you. Be sure you call us right away, even outside of normal business hours, so we can arrange a time to see your child!

Chipped and Broken Teeth

If a tooth is chipped or broken, then stem the bleeding with cloth or gauze, and offer a cold compress to the side of the face to control swelling. If any pieces of the tooth can be saved, place them in a sealed container and bring them with you to the office. If this isn’t possible, don’t worry, we can still repair the tooth. If a tooth sustains injury and no damage is visible, consider an appointment regardless as fractures are often invisible to the naked eye, but could still expose inner dentin to increase the risk of tooth decay and infection in the weeks and months to come.

Loose or Knocked-Out Teeth

If a tooth is knocked loose, see us right away. If one is knocked out completely, then pick it up by the crown, never touch the root portion, and rinse it under lukewarm water to remove foreign debris. Take care to keep any tissues in place though. Place the tooth in a sealed container of milk or salt water, and bring it with you.

Objects Caught Between Teeth

If a piece of food is caught between the teeth and is causing discomfort, then gently floss the area. If this fails to dislodge the trapped object, let us know right away. Don’t use anything other than floss, as you could risk damage to the gums or teeth.

Loose/Missing Crown or Filling

If a crown or filling is loose or lost, make sure your child avoids very hot or cold foods and drinks or items high in sugar until we can replace the restoration, as the exposed tooth is very sensitive! If you Have any questions, then contact our team today.

Schedule a Visit for Dental Emergency Care

If you have questions about addressing damaged teeth, or if you would like to schedule an appointment with our team, call your Dallas, TX pediatric dentist, Dr. Marr, at (214) 321-4880.


filed under: Dental Emergencies