Treating Your Child’s Cavity With A Filling

When your child complains about a toothache, this could mean the potential presence of a cavity. Treatment at this stage is crucial for avoiding infection and the risk of a prematurely lost tooth. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about how we treat childhood cavities with a dental filling!
The Causes and Symptoms of a Cavity
When should your child see us to have a filling placed? If you can bring your little one for checkups every six months, then our team will be able to identify tooth decay in the early stages, often before your child experiences tooth sensitivity or a toothache. Otherwise, you may not know your k needs care until they complain about a toothache, at which point the risk of an infected tooth is much higher. Tooth decay is caused by factors that weaken and erode outer enamel, exposing the sensitive inner structure to bacteria, factors could include a diet high in sugar and starch, poor brushing and flossing habits, and infrequent visits for cleanings.
Treatment in One Visit
Our team will carefully examine the tooth and take detailed digital x-rays, which use 90% less radiation than traditional systems. The highly detailed images will enable us to pinpoint the position of the decay and assess the severity, so we can plan treatment in detail. If a filling is right for your little one, we will numb the tooth and then remove the decay and clean the tooth thoroughly. We then prepare and apply the filling material, a metal-free material known as composite resin, which is safe for all ages. We then sculpt and mold the tooth as the material cures beneath a light. The last step is to polish it for a brighter appearance! For more severe cases, we could place a crown, or we could conduct a conservative root canal alternative known as a pulpotomy.
Avoiding Cavities
We can also offer tips on avoiding tooth decay, so your little one can keep their smiles strong and healthy! Try to offer your kids healthy snacks low in sugar and starch, and encourage them to drink plenty of water instead of sodas or energy drinks. Help them brush in the morning and at night, and make sure they floss every evening too. Make time to see our team for a checkup and cleaning visit, now is a great time as they can avoid missing classes and will start the school year with a healthier smile!
Do You Have Questions About Treating Childhood Cavities?
We want to offer a lifelike solution to your child’s cavity. To learn more about how our team can treat a dental cavity, then please contact your Dallas, TX pediatric dentist, Dr. Marr, by calling (214) 321-4880.
filed under: Restorations for Kids