When A Child’s Tooth Requires Extraction

dallas tooth extraction

When a tooth cannot be treated with a filling or crown, removing it may be needed to prevent complications for the rest of the smile. In these situations, our team can gently and carefully remove a tooth. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about the process of extracting a child’s tooth.

The Reasons to Remove a Tooth

When a tooth is severely decayed or infected, then we may not be able to treat it with a filling or pulpotomy, and the tooth instead needs removal to prevent the spread of infection to other parts of the smile. If a tooth is severely damaged and cannot be treated with a crown, we may also suggest an extraction. When we need to improve bite balance or chewing function, or if a baby tooth isn’t falling out on its own as it should, we can again take action with a tooth extraction. When we recommend this procedure, it is to protect the overall health and stability of your child’s smile.

Ensuring Your Child’s Comfort

We always take time to ensure your little one is comfortable and relaxed during treatments. In addition to speaking with your little one, we will also administer a local anesthetic to the area being treated, numbing this portion of the smile. With dental sedation, we help kids enter a state of calm and relaxation. This is also beneficial for kids with dental anxiety or special needs. We choose from three different options, selecting the one most appropriate for your little one.

The Extraction and Healing Period

When we have made your kid comfortable, we will then gently loosen and remove the tooth with a pair of forceps. We will discuss proper post-treatment instructions to help your child heal, and if necessary, we can remove sutures in a follow-up visit. We want a clot to form and not dislodge, so kids need to avoid prodding the site with their tongue, be very gentle when brushing and flossing, and eat only soft foods. Rest is also essential!

If you have any questions about how we plan and extract a tooth, or about our sedation options for keeping kids comfortable during treatment, then please reach out to our team today. We want to work with you to help your kids enjoy optimal oral health in 2024 and beyond, so give us a call today.

Schedule Your Child’s Next Visit Soon

Our team can take steps to offer a gentle and safe tooth extraction, so your little one continues to enjoy good oral health and a beautiful smile. To learn more about finding the right solution for your child’s oral health issue or about the extraction process in particular, then please contact your Dallas, TX pediatric dentist, Dr. Marr, by calling (214) 321-4880.


filed under: Restorations for Kids