Creating Restorations For Children

dallas kids dental restorations

When your child chips a tooth or experiences a cavity-related toothache, they need a dental restoration to avoid complications and discomfort. We can help with a custom filling or even a dental crown! In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about how we create restorations to help protect little smiles!

When Kids Need a Restoration

If your kid complains about an aching tooth, or discomfort when he or she eats or drinks, then you should consider scheduling an appointment right away. Persistent pain could mean the presence of decay or infection, and that a restoration is needed to avoid worsening pain or tooth loss. If a tooth is cracked or chipped, even if the damage appears quite minor, then you should schedule a visit for repair. A restoration protects the sensitive inner structure from exposure to bacteria, so kids avoid infection or the risk of premature tooth loss, which is a major factor in the onset of misalignment.


Our team will start with a detailed examination. Using digital x-rays, we will be able to identify the factors behind your child’s discomfort, and we will also gather images and measurements of the tooth to plan and design the restoration for your little one. If your little one attends regular six-month visits, then we have a greater chance of diagnosing cavities and infections in the early stages, before your kid develops discomfort.

Dental Fillings

If your child has a cavity, then we will likely place a filling to treat the tooth. Instead of metal, we use a metal-free composite resin, one that is safe for kids of all ages. This blend of acrylic-like and glass-like particles can be shaded to blend with the tooth, and is biocompatible, so it can stay in place for years to come. If the cavity forms in a baby tooth, don’t delay treatment waiting for the tooth to fall out. This could happen weeks or months after the cavity forms, so leaving it without treatment could mean painful infections, premature tooth loss, and a greater risk of dental misalignment.

Our team will first numb the tooth so your child is comfortable. Our team can also administer sedation to help your little one enter a state of calm and relaxation, even if they have high anxiety levels or special needs. We will choose from nitrous oxide, oral sedation, and IV sedation, depending on a number of different factors. Once your little one is ready, we will remove decay for the tooth and then clean it thoroughly. We apply the composite resin in several layers, and sculpt the tooth as it cures beneath a light. Finally, we polish it for a brighter appearance, treating the cavity in one sitting.

Dental Crowns

A dental crown covers the visible portion of your child’s tooth, and can be used to repair damage or treat more advanced cases of tooth decay. We can also place them to improve overall bite balance and ease strain on the smile. We can choose from stainless steel or NuSmile zirconia. Stainless steel can handle serious bite forces and is usually used for the side and rear teeth. Zirconia is more lifelike in appearance and is often reserved for the more front facing teeth. We start by numbing the tooth and if needed, administering sedation. We then remove structure from the tooth and attach the crown with a powerful bonding agent, so your child leaves with a newly restored smile.


What if a tooth is infected? We can offer a root canal alternative, one that is more conservative in nature. After we ensure your little one is comfortable, we will open the tooth and remove the infected portions of the tooth before we add a special medicated filling. Our team may then cap the tooth with a crown if needed. Treating infection prevents the spread of infection to other teeth and preserves the tooth, so your child doesn’t lose one and risk the onset of misalignment. The treatment also brings relief from the discomfort of an infection, so your child can eat and speak without discomfort, and enjoy better oral health.

If you have any questions about how our team treats issues like these, or if you would like to schedule a visit for a restoration, then contact our team today.

Speak With Your Dallas, TX, Pediatric Dentist About Restorative Dentistry

If you want to repair your child’s smile, or to schedule an appointment for a checkup and cleaning visit, we invite you to contact your Dallas, TX pediatric dentist, Dr. Marr, by calling (214) 321-4880.


filed under: Children's Dental Services