Scheduling Your Child’s Checkup Visit

dallas checkups for kids

We want to see your child at least twice a year for a dental checkup. These visits allow us to help kids of all ages enjoy good oral health and avoid issues like tooth decay. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about scheduling your child’s first checkup visit, and the importance of seeing us twice a year.

Your Little One’s First Visit

The initial visit for your child should take place earlier than you may assume. The first visit usually happens within six months of the eruption of the first baby tooth. At this stage, kids will receive a simple knee-to-knee lap exam. Typically, there is no treatment during this visit, as we simply want to make sure their teeth are erupting as they should, and to talk to the parents about keeping their child’s smile healthy and strong. However, at around age two we will recommend routine checkups and cleanings every six months!

The Routine Checkup

The checkup will involve your little one sitting down for a thorough exam, using advanced technology such as digital x-rays. We provide a diagnosis with precision and accuracy, identifying any areas of concern so we can safeguard little smiles against decay, infection, and gingivitis. We will also talk to your child and answer their questions to ensure your little one feels comfortable and relaxed during the visit. We want kids to look forward to their next visit, and to stay free of dental anxiety. This is a great time to instill good oral health habits, so your children will understand the importance of good oral health.

Cleaning the Teeth

In the same visit, we will thoroughly clean the teeth with an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual tool which gently and thoroughly breaks up and removes all plaque and tartar buildup. Doing so helps ensure fresher breath and brighter smiles and also limits the risk of tooth decay and even gum inflammation.

Preventive Treatments

Our team could also apply a special topical fluoride gel to the teeth, which strengthens the outer enamel to keep little smiles healthy and strong. Dental sealants could also be applied to the rear teeth, with this acrylic layer preventing decay from forming in the hard-to-reach portions of their smiles. If you have any questions about how we help prevent oral health issues, then contact our team today to learn more, and schedule your child’s next exam appointment!

Your Dallas, TX, Pediatric Dentist Offers Preventive Visits

If you have questions about pediatric dentistry, or if you would like to schedule an appointment to help your children avoid poor oral health, then we invite you to contact your Dallas, TX pediatric dentist, Dr. Marr, by calling (214) 321-4880. A checkup and cleaning every six months can be very beneficial!


filed under: Preventive Treatments