Does Your Child Need A Filling?

dallas dental fillings for kidsA dental filling is often prescribed for treating dental cavities. Without treatment, cavities could mean painful symptoms and for some kids, the premature loss of baby teeth and an increased risk of misalignment! In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about when kids benefit from filling placement.

Cavities and Little Smiles

Children are very susceptible to tooth decay. Between a love for all things high in sugar, and sometimes difficulties brushing and flossing thoroughly, this could be a recipe for tooth decay. As bacteria break down the particles left on and between the teeth, this elevates oral acidity and coats the teeth in plaque and tartar buildup. Over time, this buildup could cause weakened enamel and the onset of a cavity. The smile is then vulnerable to tooth sensitivity, toothaches, and the risk of a painful infection!

Treatment With Dental Fillings

When your children complain about aching teeth, let us know right away. We will perform a diagnosis to see if a cavity is present, and if so, we can often address the issue in one visit with a dental filling. To begin, we will identify the position and state of the decay. We then numb the tooth and remove the decay from it. Afterward, we apply the composite resin in several layers. This filling material is not only metal-free, but we can shade it to blend with the tooth. We then sculpt the tooth as the composite resin cures under a light. The last step is to polish it for a brighter appearance. In one visit, we halt decay and bring relief!

Preventive Treatment Options

You can also help your little ones avoid the onset of tooth decay. For example, make sure they brush twice a day, in the morning and at night, for two minutes per session. They should use a fluoride toothpaste when they do! Flossing every evening is also essential, as this removes what a toothbrush can’t reach. Try to cut back on their consumption of foods and drinks high in sugar, and bring them in for a checkup and cleaning visit twice a year starting at age two. These actions help promote good oral health, lowering the risk of cavities and keeping smiles bright.

If you have any questions about how we treat cavities in little smiles, or about how to limit the risk of tooth decay, then contact our team today to learn more.

Schedule an Exam with Your Dallas, TX, Dentist!

Our team is here to help little smiles avoid the onset of cavities, or receive quality treatment for them. If you have any questions about our lifelike restorations for small smiles, then contact your Dallas, TX pediatric dentist, Dr. Marr, by calling (214) 321-4880.


filed under: Restorations for Kids