How We Place Fillings On Kids

dallas kids dental fillings

When we see a child for an exam and we find a cavity, we want treatment to prevent worsening pain or the onset of an infection. To provide treatment that is safe for kids of all ages, we opt for a metal-free option made using composite resin. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about dental fillings.

The Warning Signs of a Cavity

How do you know if your child has developed a cavity? If they attend regular six-month checkup and cleaning visits, which we recommend for kids over the age of two, we could have the chance to identify the presence of demineralization in the earliest stages, so we can offer treatment. Otherwise, your child may not be aware of trouble until the tooth begins to ache or feel sinister. At this stage, the decay is more advanced and the risk of infection is present without immediate treatment. When your child has a toothache or tooth sensitivity, let us know right away!

Placing a Dental Filling

Using digital imaging technology, we will identify the position of the cavity and assess the severity. We then recommend the most appropriate treatment option. In most cases, this involves placing a dental filling. We will provide a local anesthetic to numb the tooth, and we have sedation for kids with dental anxiety, so they remain calm and relaxed. Once your child is comfortable, we then move forward by removing decay from the tooth and thoroughly cleaning it. The composite resin material we use, which is metal-free and shaded to blend with the tooth, is then applied to the tooth. As we shape the material, we cure the composite resin with a light. The last step is to polish the tooth for a brighter appearance. The entire procedure only takes one visit!


If decay is more severe or an infection has developed, we may use a pulpotomy to remove the infection portions of inner tissue. We then add a medicated filling and then cap the tooth with a dental crown. This restoration covers the entirety of the tooth’s visible portion, so it can address serious damage or decay. We may use stainless steel from the side and rear teeth, which endures greater bite forces, and white zirconia for the more visible ones.

If you have any questions about how we treat cavities, or if you would like to schedule a checkup and cleaning visit for your child, then contact our team today. Let’s start summer with healthier smiles!

Do You Have Questions About Treating Cavities?

Your children can enjoy lifelike and safe treatment for tooth decay. If you have any questions about how we stop decay and safeguard little smiles, then contact your Dallas, TX pediatric dentist, Dr. Marr, by calling (214) 321-4880.


filed under: Restorations for Kids