Improving Smile Function With Dental Crowns

When your child has issues with bite balance or chewing, or a tooth that is decayed or damaged, then you may need to bring him or her in for a restoration. With a dental crown, we can correct an array of issues and help improve the smile. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about how we treat smiles with dental crowns.
Issues That Need Attention
For young children, we could use the placement of a dental restoration to improve overall bite balance and function, which helps your child chew and avoid complications in the future. Placement could also correct cases of tooth decay too severe for a filling, preventing the premature loss of a tooth. If your little one develops a painful infection, we could use a pulpotomy to remove the infected portions, and then cap the tooth with a crown to complete the procedure. They also help address issues with the shape of a tooth as well. When placed, we have the ability to address an array of cosmetic and restorative concerns.
Creating and Placing Your Child’s Crown
The process begins with the dentist making a thorough exam of the smile, so we can plan treatment with accuracy and precision. We will administer a numbing agent to the tooth so we can gently remove structure from it. We then attach the crown with a powerful bonding agent. We could use stainless steel for the side and rear teeth, which must endure greater bite forces and pressure. For the front, we could place porcelain ones, which blend with the smile and offer a more lifelike restoration. We will monitor the restoration in future appointments and keep a close eye on your child’s smile.
A Preventive Approach
Often, many of the issues we would use a restoration to treat could be prevented with good oral hygiene habits at home, and regular visits to our office every six months for a checkup and cleaning. Be sure your child is brushing his or her teeth in the morning and at night, and using a fluoride toothpaste when they do. Flossing is crucial every evening, and kids can use tape or a pick, depending on their level of dexterity. You could also safeguard their little smiles with a healthier diet, one with less sugar and starch. If you have any questions about how we treat little smiles with a dental crown, then contact our team today to learn more.
Your Dallas, TX, Pediatric Dentist Talks About Restorations
We would love to help your children enjoy good oral health and a beautiful smile. Set up an appointment with us by contacting your Dallas, TX pediatric dentist, Dr. Marr, by calling (214) 321-4880.
filed under: Restorations for Kids