The Real Dangers of Tooth Decay for Your Child

The earliest stages of tooth decay don’t seem that serious at first. As your child’s tooth enamel grows weaker and weaker, their teeth might start to feel more sensitive, but the seriousness of the condition may not be apparent until the symptoms become much more severe. Because of this, children can often experience serious levels of decay by the time their dentist is able to address it. Today, we take a look at the real dangers of tooth decay in your child’s teeth, and why it’s important to take the condition seriously even when it seems like no big deal. (more…)

How to Make Dental Hygiene Easier for Your Child

Sometimes, teaching your child to take care of their teeth properly takes more than just showing them the motions and expecting them to repeat them. If they aren’t at least a little excited about brushing and flossing their teeth, they aren’t likely to do it right when left to their own devices. Fortunately, making such a mundane process something to look forward to can be a lot easier than you realize at first. With these tips, you can have a better chance at making good dental hygiene easier for your child to stick to. (more…)

Different Aspects of Your Child’s Oral Health

Children’s dental health care is designed to help children maintain their healthy smiles and address issues that are specific to young smiles. For example, preventive treatments and services don’t just involve cleaning your child’s teeth, but also helping to promote their smiles’ healthy growth and development. Also, avoiding dental concerns, like tooth decay, doesn’t just protect their primary teeth, but help ensure their permanent teeth have a better chance at remaining healthy for life, as well. There are several aspects of your child’s oral health that might be slightly different than yours, which is why we offer a variety of personalized treatment and care options that specifically address these differences. (more…)

Should Children Worry About Gum Disease?

When it comes to your child’s oral health, there are some worries that are common, and rightly so. For example, cavities are one of the biggest concerns that could develop for your child’s smile, and many common children’s dental treatments focus on helping to prevent them. Some concerns, however, may be less common, such as the development of gingivitis and its progression into gum disease. Today, we examine how children might develop gum disease and what it might look like in your child’s gums, as well as how we can help your child protect their smile from it if it develops. (more…)