What’s Really Behind Your Child’s Toothache?

When a tooth aches, the causes for it can often be similar. However, for both children and adults, knowing the specific cause of a toothache isn’t always as simple as it might seem. A tooth can become sensitive and achy for a wide range of potential reasons, and guessing the cause may only lead to more harm than good. Today, we examine a few common concerns that may be behind your child’s toothache, and why addressing them requires a personalized, specific approach.

The tooth’s enamel is weak

The healthy, highly mineralized layer of enamel that surrounds your child’s teeth is their first line of defense against harm to their main tooth structurers (called dentin). If this enamel becomes compromised, things like oral bacteria, food, and beverages can make your child’s teeth increasingly more sensitive, as they no longer have such a strong layer of enamel to shield them. Early tooth sensitivity may indicate that the enamel has grown weaker, but it may be strengthened with the help of fluoride treatments and/or dental sealants. However, if you don’t know that your child’s tooth enamel is weak and fail to address it soon enough, the tooth may become infected with oral bacteria and develop a cavity, along with much more severe sensitivity.

The tooth has a cavity in it

If your child’s tooth does develop a cavity, then the discomfort in the tooth could be more severe than mild sensitivity. This is because oral bacteria have already begun to erode the main structure of the tooth, and the infection has grown closer to the tooth’s nerves and soft tissues. Depending on the location of the tooth and the cavity, it might not be visibly noticeable. Also, assuming it’s something less minor and trying to treat it with a home remedy will only expose your child’s tooth to further harm. Fortunately, we can often save the tooth and alleviate your child’s toothache by treating the cavity with a conservative, tooth-colored filling.

The tooth is cracked or broken

In most cases, you might expect a cracked or broken tooth to be obvious. However, your child may not notice it or mention it until the discomfort becomes unbearable. If the tooth’s damage isn’t visibly obvious, then the cause of the toothache may not be, either. Much like tooth decay, the damage may grow worse the longer it’s left untreated, and the consequences for your child’s tooth and long-term oral health could become more serious.

Learn what’s causing your child’s toothache

If your child has a toothache, it may not be safe to assume you know what it is. To learn more about diagnosing and treating your child’s toothache, may be behind your child’s toothache by calling Pediatric Dental Care at Casa Linda in Dallas, TX today at 214-321-4880. We proudly serve patients who live around Casa Linda and all surrounding Dallas communities.

filed under: Toothaches