What to Ask the Dentist During Your Child’s Checkup

You might not always be 100% sure that you’re doing all you can to help your child care for their teeth. Perhaps you should be doing more; maybe it was too early to have them brush and floss on their own; what if a cavity is already developing? The good news is you can get the answers to those questions easily by asking them during your child’s checkup and cleaning appointments. Keeping your child’s smile healthy is a team effort, and at our Dallas, TX, dental office, we’re always happy to strengthen that effort by answering any questions you may have!

Should you be doing more at home?

It’s natural to want to do it all for your child, but the only way to ensure they’re prepared to care for their smiles is to allow them to do it on their own. If you’ve shown your child how to brush and floss, taught them why being diligent is important, and keep an eye on their efforts to make sure they do it correctly, then you’re doing plenty to make sure they’re on the right path. During each checkup and cleaning, however, we can thoroughly check your child’s teeth to determine how well they’ve been kept, and whether or not your child may need some more direction in good hygiene practices.

Can specific products boost your child’s hygiene?

There are entire aisles in most grocery stores and pharmacies that are dedicated to children’s dental hygiene products. Not all of them are effective, and some may do more harm than good, so how do you know if your child can actually benefit from one? The best way is to ask us during your child’s next visit. With thorough knowledge of your child’s oral health and expertise in dental health care, we can help you choose the products that can give your child the best chance at keeping their smiles healthy and preventing the formation of issues like tooth decay.

Are there any treatments to strengthen your child’s teeth?

Teaching your child to keep their teeth clean and buying them the best products for their dental needs are both important strategies in safeguarding their smiles. Sometimes, though, children can benefit greatly from treatment that’s designed to directly strengthen and protect their teeth, such as fluoride treatment and dental sealants. Fluoride applications bolster your child’s tooth enamel by bonding to its mineral strands, while dental sealants provide a biocompatible barrier between your child’s tooth enamel and any harmful oral bacteria. One or both treatments can boost your child’s hygiene efforts at home, especially if their tooth enamel has grown weak due to inadequate hygiene.

Get more answers during your child’s next checkup

If you have any specific concerns about your child’s oral health, we encourage you to ask about them during your child’s checkup and cleaning appointment! To learn more, schedule an appointment by calling Pediatric Dental Care at Casa Linda in Dallas, TX today at 214-321-4880. We proudly serve patients who live around Casa Linda and all surrounding Dallas communities.

filed under: Preventive Treatments