Family Hand Washing: 3 Reasons To Start Now!

You have probably heard us mention before that it’s a good idea to wash your hands before you brush and floss your smile. You have probably thought about this before, though it doesn’t mean you’ve necessarily put it into practice. While this is certainly a wise decision any time of year (and all year long), our Dallas, TX team takes this time (as fall has just begun) to remind you. There are a few very compelling reasons to begin washing your hands as a family before your dental hygiene time together (and potentially afterwards, too!).


Just Remind Yourself: Smile Care Is Simple!

Helping your little ones keep their smiles safe and healthy might not always seem simple. You have your moments when it’s extremely easy to get through the details. Then, of course, particularly when you’re up against something new to you, the particulars can start to pile up and seem a bit challenging. We remind you in just about every situation to tell yourself: Smile care is simple! Then, even if you’re not sure you completely believe it, ask us for some help. Our Dallas, TX team insists that as you get your child’s oral health plans squared away and you become accustomed to newly developing habits, all will fall into place.


Smile Time: Easy Tips For Weekend Catch-Up

During the week, there’s so much going on! By the time Friday rolls around, you may realize you meant to call us to schedule your child’s dental visit, you planned on researching electric toothbrushes but it didn’t happen, or you meant to call us with a question but you totally forgot (while you were doing 10 million other things). Take a breather. This is a common concern for most parents and just about every other adult out there! So, what can you do to play catch-up, so you don’t get stuck in a cycle of accidental procrastination when it comes to your kids’ smile care? Our Dallas, TX team has some suggestions for any weekend you see fit!
