Do Kids Really Need to See the Dentist?

Are your child’s baby teeth still in the process of erupting? If so, you might brush the teeth you can see occasionally, but feel tempted to neglect regular dental care until more of the teeth are visible. Sadly, this can be detrimental to your child’s dental health. Even babies can struggle with oral health threats, like baby bottle tooth decay. Yes, right from the start, your child needs preventive dental care to help develop and protect his or her healthy smile!

Regular Preventive Care Is Key

From daily toothbrushing to routine dental checkups and cleanings, preventive care is key for children and adults alike. And yes, even babies need dental care.

That’s because the teeth are strong, but unable to repair themselves when issues arise. This is why restorative dentistry exists.

Both the teeth and gums are susceptible to oral health threats, in fact, which is why even babies without visible teeth still need dental care (in the form of regular gum cleanings). It’s important to note that once bacteria has calcified onto the surface of teeth, in a substance called tartar, it can only be removed through professional cleanings, making these visits an essential way to enjoy lifelong oral care. Routine checkups should begin at age one, by the way.

How Can You Get Your Kids Excited About Oral Care?

Fortunately, choosing a pediatric dentist who is great with your kids can help teach them, from an early age, that seeing the dentist is nothing to fear. In fact, these visits can be quite fun, if you speak positively about the dentist and make sure to find one that connects well with your kids.

Plus, a pediatric dentist can help to properly educate your kids about the need for routine dental hygiene, at-home, as well as other healthy habits that can help them protect their teeth and gums as they grow. And that can help make your job, as a parent, a bit easier!

filed under: Children's Dental Services, General Dentistry