Smile-Friendly Summer Treats the Whole Family Will Love: Part Two

Summer is a great chance to spend a bit more time outside, swimming, hiking, and generally exploring the great outdoors! But hot days sometimes lead to one too many sweet treats, trying to cool off, which can unfortunately lead to cavities and other dental problems. If you are looking for some healthier alternatives to the usual sugary summertime treats, your pediatric dentist has some great alternatives, which are both smile-friendly and healthier choices for the whole family.

Fun New Takes on Traditional Summer Treats!

Looking for ways to beat the heat without resorting to ice cream cones or sugar-filled popsicles? We have mentioned fresh fruit, as one way to healthily beat the heat. If you’re looking for something even cooler than snacking on fresh fruit, here are some fun options!

  • Making your own fruit smoothies is a fun, kid-friendly activity! Using frozen or fresh fruit and low fat milk, you can create a variety of flavors with far fewer calories than traditional milkshakes, and less sugar too!
  • Coconut and almond milks are easy swaps for kids with lactose allergies, plus they add unique flavor punches.
  • You can even skip the ice cubes by keeping frozen fruits on hand, for whipping up afternoon treats.
  • Add in peanut or almond butter, or a nut butter substitute for added protein and extra taste! Greek yogurt is another protein-packed smoothie ingredient, one that adds a hint of tartness, perfect for kids that are fans of all things sour!
  • Don’t be afraid to look for recipes that sneak nutrient-rich vegetables into the mix, as well! (This is a great way to make a fun snack that actually helps your kids get more of the vitamins they need.)
  • If you want to avoid sensitivity caused by overly cold foods, opt smoothies served at cool but not frozen temperatures!
  • Add fun straws to make these homemade smoothies feel like extra special treats!
filed under: Children's Dental Services, General Dentistry