Are Kids More Likely to Have Cavities?
As a parent, is it natural to worry about how often your children brush and floss their teeth, or how much candy they consume. Besides the discomfort and risks of childhood cavities, treating the decay that causes them might sometimes prove extensive.
Because they have not yet mastered the art of good hygiene, kids may be more likely to have cavities by the time they grow older. However, rather than treating them, the best option is typically to prevent them by teaching your children how to keep their teeth clean and healthy.
What Are Tooth Decay and Cavities?
Tooth decay is a condition caused by an abundance of oral bacteria, which form dental plaque and tartar to cling safely to teeth. As the bacteria grow in numbers, they consume sugar and other nutrients, then convert them into tooth-damaging acid. Over time, the acid breaks down the enamel surrounding teeth, leaving them vulnerable to bacterial infection – or tooth decay.
A cavity describes the hole that forms in a tooth as decay spreads through its structure. Cavities become more noticeable as they progress, both in appearance and in the discomfort that they cause. The sooner you treat it, the more of your tooth’s structure you can save.
Cavity Prevention for All Ages
As the basis of a good hygiene routine, brushing and flossing are the most important cavity-prevention measures you can teach your child. By cleaning teeth at least twice every day, you can remove the plaque and tartar that harbor cavity-causing bacteria before they can initiate tooth decay. Also, your child should attend regular dental checkup and cleaning appointments as often as recommended by your family dentist.
filed under: Children's Dental Services, Preventive Treatments