Pediatric Preventive Treatments

The best way to protect your child’s smile from problems is to practice excellent prevention. On your own, this means assisting your child in brushing his or her teeth twice a day, flossing once a day, and trying to limit sugary snacks. Fortunately, you don’t have to do all of the protecting on your own – we are here to help with preventive treatments. Not sure what to expect or where to begin? We always suggest that you schedule six-month preventive care visits for your child, so we can establish good habits, keep teeth clean, and monitor health. As for particular services, become familiar with the details, so you can feel secure about the future of your child’s smile.

Dental Cleanings

We incorporate dental cleanings – an essential portion of preventive care for your child – into your little one’s preventive care visits. With gentle yet thorough techniques, we will remove plaque and tartar from tooth surfaces (including beneath your child’s gumline) to protect teeth from cavities and gingivitis.

Dental Checkups

During your child’s preventive care visit, we will also perform a gentle checkup. Your child’s smile is developing and changing each day, which means keeping a close eye on oral health is essential in guiding optimal development (and immediately intervening and offering treatment if a problem arises).

Fluoride Treatments

We offer fluoride treatments for children because this naturally occurring mineral offers exceptional protection against tooth decay. How? Well, fluoride strengthens bone tissue and can re-strengthen areas that are at risk of cavity formation.

Dental Sealants

We suggest dental sealants as an effective preventive care treatment because you can easily protect the chewing surfaces of your child’s back teeth with a simple barrier. By placing a thin plastic coating over this portion of back teeth (which may last up to 10 years), stopping cavities forming in hard-to-reach areas is easy.

filed under: Preventive Treatments