When is a good time to bring my child for a first visit?
We recommend that you bring your child for a first visit after the first tooth appears.
How often should I bring my child in for dental appointments?
It’s important to schedule a dental appointment for your child at least twice a year. That way we can keep track of their oral health and address any issues that arise between appointments. Depending on the situation, we may recommend more visits.
When do children first get their teeth?
Most children get their first baby teeth around six months old. All their baby teeth come in over the course of their first few years, completely arriving before turning three years old.
What can I do about teething?
Teething is a natural process that often begins two or three days before a tooth arrives. If your child experiences discomfort while teething, gently rub his or her gums with a clean finger or a cool washcloth. You can also purchase teething toys to help reduce the discomfort.
What are some ways to help my child care for their teeth?
We recommend that you schedule checkups and cleanings with us at least twice a year. Between visits, choose a toothbrush that has soft bristles and encourage your child to brush twice a day and floss before going to bed. You may want to make cleaning teeth a fun activity that you and your child do together.
How do I prevent cavities in my child’s teeth?
Because children often eat food and drink beverages that have high sugar content, they are more susceptible to experiencing cavities. To help reduce the risk of getting them, have your child brush their teeth twice a day and floss at least one time. You may want to help your child brush their back teeth if he or she is having trouble reaching them. The back teeth are where most cavities form.
Is fluoride safe?
Fluoride is a safe, naturally occurring mineral often found in drinking water. It can help remineralize the enamel on a tooth and reduce the risk of tooth decay.
How do I prepare my child for a dental appointment?
We recommend that you maintain a positive attitude, as children often can easily pick up how an adult is feeling. Show your child our website and photos of the office and dentists. Help them understand that keeping their teeth and gums healthy is important and that the dentist will handle their appointments with gentle and compassionate care.
Schedule Your Child’s Dental Appointment With Us!
We provide a comprehensive selection of children’s dental treatments at Pediatric Dental Care at Casa Linda. To learn more, or to schedule a visit, contact our office at 214-321-4880. We proudly welcome patients from Dallas, TX, and all surrounding communities, including Garland, Mesquite, Richardson, and more.